The CFPB has received feedback on its BNPL interpretive rule and will now provide more clarity and guidance on company compliance and the benefits to consumers.
Continuaremos tomando los pasos necesarios para garantizar que todos los consumidores, incluyendo los inmigrantes, tengan acceso equitativo a oportunidades de crédito.
Credit card companies are failing to report your actual payment data to the nationwide consumer reporting companies. The CFPB asked why, and this is what we learned.
Los emisores de tarjetas de crédito no están reportando sus datos de pagos a las empresas de informes de crédito. Preguntamos por qué, y esto descubrimos.
Far too many households and businesses continue to lack fair and equitable access to credit. Through SPCPs, lenders can better serve historically disadvantaged individuals and communities.
Credit cards play a critical role for consumers. Lenders can cut card lines, and have done so especially during economic downturns. New CFPB research shows the impact line cuts have on consumers.
A CFPB report revealed that the NCRAs have largely relied on vague, unhelpful form letters in response to consumer complaints filed with the Bureau. This practice, which surged in 2020, left families and communities vulnerable at the height of an unprecedented global pandemic and economic crisis.
Since April 2020, credit card balances and utilization rates have continued to decline, and the share of credit card borrowers that carry a balance rather than pay in full have also declined.
Since July 2020, consumers have transitioned out of assistance to varying degrees across all credit products, but a significant share of mortgage borrowers continue to receive assistance.
New CFPB research examines trends in consumer credit during COVID-19, finding delinquencies for credit cards, auto loans, mortgages, and student loans remain lower than pre-pandemic levels.
A new analysis examines the early impact of COVID-19 on consumer finances, finding the ability to stay on top of finances was higher in June 2020 than 2019 likely due to policies to reduce financial distress.
This report describes our fair lending activities in supervision, enforcement, guidance and rulemaking, interagency coordination, and outreach and education for calendar year 2020.
Patrice Alexander Ficklin
Frank Vespa-Papaleo
El CFPB planea desarrollar directrices para la atención a consumidores LEP o con Limitado Manejo del Inglés y para ello, está recibiendo comentarios públicos formales a través de su Solicitud de Información del año 2020 sobre la Ley de Oportunidad Equitativa al Crédito y Regulación B.
The Bureau plans to develop guidance to industry on serving consumers with limited English proficiency (LEP) and welcomes public comments through the Bureau’s 2020 Request for Information on the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Regulation B.
Consumers who are of limited English proficiency face unique challenges in learning about and accessing financial services. Watch our webinar to learn how CFPB is working to make our resources accessible to everyone.
Desmond Brown,
Keo Chea,
Frank Vespa-Papaleo
The Bureau calls attention to the Special Purpose Credit Program provisions of Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Regulation B to help meet the credit needs of underserved communities.