CFPB Deputy Director Zixta Martinez discusses changes at the ASC since she became Chair in 2022, including enhanced state oversight, landmark hearings on appraisal bias, and improved collaboration with The Appraisal Foundation to create a more equitable and accountable appraisal industry.
CFPB Director Rohit Chopra recently met with people in Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas. He combines his on-the-ground observations with the CFPB’s complaint data to identify and address financial challenges along the Gulf Coast.
Nuestro director, Rohit Chopra se reunió con gente de Alabama, Louisiana y Texas. Combinando sus observaciones sobre el terreno, con los datos de las quejas que hemos recibido, pudimos identificar y abordar los retos financieros existentes en la costa del Golfo.
CFPB’s HMDA enforcement cases and research focus on ensuring financial institutions comply with HMDA and Regulation C’s requirement to report complete and accurate mortgage lending information.
Bobby Conner,
Adrian Gonzalez,
Danny Harris,
Hallie Ryan
The CFPB approved a rule to address the current and future applications of complex algorithms and artificial intelligence used to estimate home values.
Hemos aprobado una normativa que regula el uso actual y futuro de complejos algoritmos e inteligencia artificial, en la estimación del valor de las viviendas.
Hemos introducido junto a la FTC una opinión legal para asegurarnos de que el público pueda obligar a los cobradores a rendir cuentas por cobrar tarifas ilegales.
As interest rates increased in 2022, the number of refinance mortgage originations declined, with cash-out refinances becoming a larger share of all refinances. Cash-out refinances exacerbated the 2008 financial crisis, but regulatory and market developments may have changed the risks of cash-out refinances to consumers and the mortgage market. A new analysis looks at the characteristics of these refinances and the rates of delinquency.
Alexei Alexandrov,
Noah Cohen-Harding,
Patrick Lapid
Individual lenders can apply to enroll in a testing pilot of alternative, tailored disclosures for construction loans designed to improve consumer understanding of loan terms and costs.
On November 1, the Appraisal Subcommittee – which has a seven-member federal agency board including the CFPB – will hold its next public hearing to discuss the challenges and solutions to preventing bias in the home appraisal process. Members of the public are encouraged to attend.
A new analysis from CFPB researchers finds that the majority of mortgage borrowers in forbearance during COVID-19 have since become current on their loans.
Hemos introducido una Declaración de Interés junto al Departamento de Justicia para proteger a compradores y propietarios de viviendas de tasaciones discriminatorias.
Seth Frotman,
Zixta Q. Martinez,
Jon Seward
Estamos tomando un nuevo paso para asegurar que las decisiones tomadas por modelos automáticos, a veces mercadeadas como inteligencia artificial, sean responsables.
Today, the CFPB is taking another step toward ensuring accountability for automated decision models, sometimes marketed as artificial intelligence (AI).
The CFPB is exploring long-term solutions to move away from single points of failure, ensure system resilience, and eliminate unnecessary complexity in rulemaking.
Companies that provide adjustable-rate mortgages, student loans, home equity lines of credit, reverse mortgages, and credit cards are ending their use of a popular interest rate index, which expires June 30, 2023.
Help is available for homeowners who took out second mortgages years ago, and believed their loans were either forgiven or modified into a single loan, and now are being targeted by debt collectors threatening foreclosure.
Hay ayuda disponible para propietarios que hayan tomado una segunda hipoteca y ahora son blanco de cobradores que amenazan con ejecuciones hipotecarias.