More CFPB resources available in multiple languages
- English
- Español
In the wake of the economic impacts of COVID-19, clear communication between financial institutions and consumers is more essential than ever to protect consumers and share important information from the institutions.
Consumers who are of limited English proficiency face unique challenges in learning about and accessing financial services. For instance, they often encounter barriers to participating in the financial marketplace, including understanding and completing key financial documents, managing bank accounts, resolving problems with financial products and institutions, and accessing financial education and money management tools.
In support of this important objective, the Bureau is committed to making our free resources accessible to all consumers.
The resources include:
- COVID-specific materials to address questions about credit and debt management, student loan repayment, mortgage relief options, scams, banking tips, economic stimulus relief, and other topics. You can also find a video explaining mortgage forbearance options subtitled in Spanish.
- Multilingual Glossaries of over 1,200 financial words and terms in English, Spanish, and Chinese, and will soon be available in Korean and Vietnamese.
- Your Money, Your Goals financial empowerment toolkit, which is currently available in English and Spanish.
- Equal Credit Opportunity Act brochures explaining consumers’ protections against lending discrimination on a prohibited basis, including race, national origin, religion, age, and sex. The brochure is currently available in English and Spanish , and will soon be available in Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Korean, French Creole, Arabic, and Russian.
- Financial Wellbeing Scale, available in English and Spanish.
- Newcomer’s guides to managing money, available in English and Spanish.
Learn more about the Bureau's multilingual resources by watching our webinar and accessing our list of free multilingual resources.
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