To help financial institutions serve Spanish-speaking customers, we are making available Spanish translations of several key notices and consumer disclosures.
Today, I was sworn in as Director of the CFPB. I am honored to lead this organization, which plays an essential role within the Federal Reserve System.
New CFPB research looks at how the cost of home loans and borrower characteristics differ within the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community.
Moving forward, the Division of Consumer Education and External Affairs should redouble its efforts to ensure the Bureau engages all consumers who are economically suffering.
Last week, I was honored to have been appointed Acting Director of the CFPB by the President. Having joined the Bureau in 2011, I have seen firsthand the impact of the Bureau’s mission and the incredible work being done by its staff. I know that the Bureau’s staff shares my devotion to the Bureau’s mission, and I look forward to serving in this latest capacity.
El CFPB planea desarrollar directrices para la atención a consumidores LEP o con Limitado Manejo del Inglés y para ello, está recibiendo comentarios públicos formales a través de su Solicitud de Información del año 2020 sobre la Ley de Oportunidad Equitativa al Crédito y Regulación B.
The Bureau plans to develop guidance to industry on serving consumers with limited English proficiency (LEP) and welcomes public comments through the Bureau’s 2020 Request for Information on the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Regulation B.
Consumers who are of limited English proficiency face unique challenges in learning about and accessing financial services. Watch our webinar to learn how CFPB is working to make our resources accessible to everyone.
Desmond Brown,
Keo Chea,
Frank Vespa-Papaleo
Ang Bureau ay may pananagutan sa pagtugon sa diskriminasyon sa pagpapahiram, kasama na ang pagpapahiram sa mga kababaihan- at mga negosyo na pagmamay-ari ng minorya, na nag-aplay para sa utang sa panahon ng pandemya ng COVID-19 sa ilalim ng CARES Act.
Patrice Alexander Ficklin,
Grady Hedgespeth,
Lora McCray
The Bureau has a responsibility for addressing lending discrimination, including lending to women- and minority-owned businesses, which apply for credit during the COVID-19 pandemic under the CARES Act.
Patrice Alexander Ficklin,
Grady Hedgespeth,
Lora McCray
Debemos actuar contra la discriminación a pequeñas empresas, que hayan solicitado préstamos durante la pandemia y cuyos dueños sean mujeres, o minorías.
Patrice Alexander Ficklin,
Grady Hedgespeth,
Lora McCray
금융소비자보호국(CFPB: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)은 CARES 법에 따라 코로나 바이러스(COVID-19) 전염병 기간 동안 신용을 신청하는 여성 및 소수 민족 소유 비즈니스에 대한 대출을 포함하여 대출 차별에 대응할 책임이 있습니다.
Patrice Alexander Ficklin,
Grady Hedgespeth,
Lora McCray
Cục có trách nhiệm giải quyết tình trạng phân biệt đối xử trong hoạt động cho vay, bao gồm việc cho các doanh nghiệp do phụ nữ và người dân tộc thiểu số làm chủ vay, áp dụng cho khoản vay trong bối cảnh dịch bệnh COVID-19 theo Đạo Luật Hỗ Trợ, Cứu Trợ và An Ninh Kinh Tế Đối Phó Vi-rút Corona (CARES).
Patrice Alexander Ficklin,
Grady Hedgespeth,
Lora McCray