Investigatory Authority
The Bureau’s Office of Enforcement is authorized to conduct investigations before instituting judicial or administrative adjudicatory proceedings under Federal consumer financial law.
As part of this authority, the Consumer Financial Protection Act authorizes us to issue investigational subpoenas known as civil investigative demands (CIDs) when looking into potential violations of law. A CID may demand, among other things, documents, emails, reports, answers to written questions, and oral testimony.
Each CID is required to state the nature of the conduct constituting the alleged violation which is under investigation and the provision of law applicable to such violation. CIDs issued by us set out this information in a section known as the “notification of purpose.”
Petitions to modify or set aside
CID recipients have a statutory right to petition the Bureau’s Director for an order modifying or setting aside a CID.
Petitions to enforce
The Bureau may seek to enforce a CID in federal court when the recipient fails to comply.