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Info for consumers

Что следует ожидать банку Wells Fargo и его клиентам

Ознакомьтесь с основами правоприменительных действий CFPB против Wells Fargo, клиентами, которые пострадали, а также практиками банка, которые нарушили федеральное законодательство.
Data, research, and reports

Protecting consumers through a pandemic: 2020 Fair Lending Report to Congress

This report describes our fair lending activities in supervision, enforcement, guidance and rulemaking, interagency coordination, and outreach and education for calendar year 2020.
Data, research, and reports

Protecting consumers and encouraging innovation: 2019 Fair Lending Report to Congress

This report describes our fair lending activities in innovation, outreach, prioritization, guidance and rulemaking, supervision, and enforcement for calendar year 2019.