Individual lenders can apply to enroll in a testing pilot of alternative, tailored disclosures for construction loans designed to improve consumer understanding of loan terms and costs.
Congress has charged the CFPB with ensuring that markets for consumer financial products are competitive. Over the last year, the CFPB has taken a number of steps to promote competition in our markets.
As part of CFPB’s continued effort to combat housing insecurity and promote racial equity, the Bureau is partnering with the Department of Housing and Urban Development to lead a tech sprint on post-pandemic housing challenges.
CFPB releases results from its first tech sprints to identify innovations and improvements in the way we use technology to create transparent, equitable, and fair financial markets.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced its first Tech Sprint to reduce regulatory burden and improve consumer understanding of financial services.
Albert Chang,
Tim Lambert,
Jennifer Lassiter
Spotlight on providing adverse action notices under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act when using machine learning and other artificial intelligence models.
Patrice Alexander Ficklin,
Tom Pahl,
Paul Watkins
This report describes our fair lending activities in innovation, outreach, prioritization, guidance and rulemaking, supervision, and enforcement for calendar year 2019.
Patrice Alexander Ficklin
Frank Vespa-Papaleo
The Bureau’s new Office of Innovation is proposing a “Disclosure Sandbox” to give companies leeway to test new disclosures or delivery methods that may better serve consumers.
Many new financial innovations rely on people choosing to give a company access to their digital financial records held by another company. If you're using...
We released the results of a Project Catalyst research project finding that offering a small incentive to prepaid card users to put some of their money...
Take a look around and you'll see that the consumer financial marketplace is experiencing constant and rapid change. New technologies and insights can...
Today, we're announcing that as part of Project Catalyst, we'll be working with H&R Block to evaluate practices to promote consumer saving behavior during...
We're announcing a research pilot aimed at assessing the potential impact of early intervention credit counseling. We know that defaulting on credit card...
We have finalized a new trial disclosure policy, which allows companies to apply for a waiver to test potential disclosure improvements on a trial basis...
Yesterday, we made a significant update to our proposed policy to encourage trial disclosure programs, which allow companies, on a trial basis, to test...
The initiatives announced at the start of Project Catalyst are gaining early traction. In November 2012 in Mountain View, Calif., we launched Project...
We were in Mountain View, CA for the launch of Project Catalyst. The live event has ended. CFPB Director Richard Cordray announced the launch of Project...