Learn more about the 2018 Your Money, Your Goals cohort organizations that will receive training and technical assistance on Your Money, Your Goals financial empowerment materials.
Want to build the financial well-being of people in your community? Apply to join other organizations from across the country in the 2018 Your Money, Your Goals cohort.
The Office of Financial Empowerment announces 30 new partners selected to participate in Your Money, Your Goals training and expand the reach of financial...
Twenty new social services, legal aid, and volunteer organizations are joining with CFPB to train staff and volunteers on Your Money, Your Goals. You can...
This expansion builds on the success of last year's launch of Your Money, Your Goals. Since then, we've trained over 2,000 frontline staff in both public...
In the six months since we announced the release of Your Money, Your Goals: A Financial Empowerment Toolkit for Social Services Programs, organizations...
Today, we're announcing that as part of Project Catalyst, we'll be working with H&R Block to evaluate practices to promote consumer saving behavior during...
The Armed Forces Services Corporation is looking for 20 organizations, in geographically diverse locations across the country that serve economically...
So often, the work that we do relies on the knowledge and expertise that community-based organizations provide us. These organizations are our eyes and ears...
We know that individuals with disabilities often face barriers and challenges in moving toward economic security and self-sufficiency. That's why we're...
One way we further our mission to protect consumers is through appropriately sharing with state and local law enforcement agencies information that CFPB has...
In my first blog post I wrote that part of our work in the Office of Financial Empowerment is connecting with people and organizations around the country...
Last week, I had the good fortune to spend two full days in Memphis, Tennessee, with my friend and colleague, Holly Petraeus, who heads the CFPB's Office of...
Today, I attended my first public meeting of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission. Financial education has been a passion of mine for years. The...
The Bureau will bring together under one roof a collection of important consumer protection duties that used to be scattered across the federal government...