Consumers who are of limited English proficiency face unique challenges in learning about and accessing financial services. Watch our webinar to learn how CFPB is working to make our resources accessible to everyone.
Desmond Brown,
Keo Chea,
Frank Vespa-Papaleo
The Bureau has created K-12 financial education resources that support your curriculum, activities for parents to use with kids at home, and a new podcast about personal finance in college for counselors and advisors.
Request your consumer reports using our list of consumer reporting companies. Your consumer reporting data affects your ability to get an affordable loan, a job, an apartment, or many other essentials of daily life to reach your financial and personal goals.
Su bienestar financiero refleja la forma en que usted administra su dinero. Octubre es el Mes de la Planificación Financiera y por ello, le ofrecemos 25 consejos para que mejore la salud de sus finanzas y alcance el bienestar.
Among 15-year-olds in the United States, a gap in financial literacy appears, connected with socioeconomic status. We explore potential ways to help close the gap through a deeper analysis in the linked financial literacy brief.
Your financial well-being tells the story of how you manage your money. For Financial Planning Month, we have 25 tips to improve your finances and overall financial well-being.
The CFPB offers free materials and classroom activities for middle school educators to help their students develop the building blocks of youth financial capability.
The CFPB has a wide range of Spanish-language tools and resources for consumers and service providers on topics from planning a budget or opening an account, to buying a house and protecting people from scams.
El CFPB cuenta con una amplia gama de recursos y herramientas para consumidores y proveedores de servicios, que cubren temas que van desde hacer un presupuesto o abrir una cuenta, hasta comprar un coche o una casa.
A joint study with Credit Karma explores the relationship between subjective Financial Well-Being (FWB) and objective credit characteristics and engagement with financial education tools. The report identifies credit report and engagement variables that are significantly related to a consumer’s FWB score, including credit score, credit limit, credit utilization, and the use of a credit simulator tool.
Read "Sally Jean, the Bicycle Queen" with your child and use our Parent Guide to talk about how skills, patience, and creativity can help you get what you...
The CFPB’s new savings booklet and email boot camp can help consumers put money aside for unexpected expenses or make a plan to save for your future goals.