Today's Money as You Grow Bookshelf pick: "But I’ve Used All of My Pocket Change"
A new addition to Money as You Grow Bookshelf is "But I’ve Used All of My Pocket Change" by Lauren Child, for ages four to eight. In the book, Lola goes to the zoo with her brother, and before she knows it, she has made some spending decisions that she regrets.
In the Parent Guide for "But I’ve Used All of My Pocket Change" you’ll find questions that you can ask your child about the story. For young children, it’s important to build foundational skills like making decisions and being patient. You might ask your child how they know if they have enough money for something they want. Slightly older children, up to age 10, may be curious about the consequences of choices. You might ask your child about a time they felt bad about a spending choice they made.
The Parent Guide also includes activities you can do with your child, based on the key ideas in the book. For “But I’ve Used All of My Pocket Change” the activities focus on:
- Practicing self-control
- Resisting impulses
- Planning and shopping
Money as You Grow Bookshelf gives parents and caregivers a natural way to start money conversations with children. You can read the Money as You Grow Bookshelf selections at home on your own. Use our Parent Guides for key ideas, questions, and activities.
Whether you’re a money expert or still learning yourself, we hope you’ve used this book, and the others on the list, to help you practice the skills and attitudes your children will need in the future. If you’ve checked out all of the books on the list and the Parent Guides that go with them, read more about activities and conversation starters for all age groups.