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Transcript Withholding Holds Back Workers and Wages

Millions of students seek postsecondary degrees in the hope that advancing their education will lead to better job opportunities, higher earnings, and greater economic security for themselves and their families. But many institutions of higher education are precluding students from making professional and educational gains by withholding their official transcripts to collect education-related debts.
Info for consumers

Consumers on course to save $1 billion in NSF fees annually, but some banks continue to charge these fees

A number of large banks are eliminating non-sufficient fund (NSF) fees on checking accounts, cutting total NSF fee volume by about 50%, or $1 billion, annually. Other banks continue to charge these fees. The Bureau is closely scrutinizing whether and when charging these fees may be unlawful.
Info for consumers

Знайте и защищайте свои права, касающиеся медицинских счетов и взыскания задолженности

Вызов скорой помощи и получение неотложной медицинской помощи могут обернуться неожиданным финансовым кризисом. Узнайте о своих правах и о том, как защитить свою кредитную историю и избежать ошибок.
At the CFPB Info for consumers

Designing for the people we serve

We aim to root our work in research and experience from the people we serve. We are excited to unveil our homepage redesign, based on feedback from dozens of people.
Info for consumers

정크 수수료의 숨겨진 비용

구매를 할 때 종종 가장 저렴하게 광고된 가격이 어떤 것인지 살펴봅니다. 그러나 실제 가격에는 정크 수수료가 포함될 수 있습니다. 이러한 수수료의 일반적인 유형에 대해 알아보고 이 수수료가 재정 생활에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 경험을 공유해 주시길 바랍니다.