Hosting a financial coach in your community
The financial coaching program described in this post ran from April 2015 to March 2019 and has now been completed.
It’s no secret that having a trusted, well-informed advisor or financial coach can increase your odds of financial success. We know that some people who are transitioning, perhaps from military service, being unemployed, or another tough financial situation, might especially benefit from this one-on-one service focused on their financial and life goals.
That’s why we announced an initiative last year to place trained financial coaches in organizations to provide coaching to consumers, including veterans and those who are low-income or economically vulnerable. Following a full and open competitive procurement process, in April 2014 we contracted with the Armed Forces Services Corporation (AFSC), a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOB), to run this initiative. The financial coaches will work in organizations that are already providing other services, including job training, education, social, and housing services.
Here’s how you or your organization can helpAFSC is looking for 20 organizations, in geographically diverse locations across the country that serve economically vulnerable consumers, to host financial coaches. To be clear, this is not an opportunity for a grant, contract, sub-contract, or funding – just to have a financial coach placed on-site at an existing service delivery location. Check out the criteria and see if your organization or one in your community might be the right fit to host a financial coach. If you think it is, send a submission by October 15, 2014.