Military parents can use back-to-school season
as an opportunity to teach their children money management lessons. Here are some
basic guidelines and resources.
"Can you buy this for me, pleeease?" It's normal for young children to have a hard time not getting everything they want. Your questions and explanations...
Take control of your financial life with these ten tools that can help you make choices at the grocery store, pay your credit card bill, and deal with debt...
When it comes to managing money and making choices, practice putting your thoughts into words. You can help your children better understand the complicated...
As many families are preparing to celebrate the Mother's Day holiday, new family norms are creating the need for alternatives in financial care. Get help...
On our newly redesigned web resource Money as You Grow, you will find activities designed for each age group to help prepare your children for their...
Hacer que sus hijos ahorren dinero puede ser más difícil que lograr que se cepillen los dientes o coman sus vegetales. Pero es uno de muchos hábitos buenos...
Anteriormente, en nuestra serie sobre cómo los niños forman las habilidades y hábitos para lograr un bienestar financiero en la adultez, habíamos compartido...
Cuando los niños son pequeños, pueden aprender autocontrol y cómo planificar de anticipado, las cuales son habilidades necesarias para una base financiera...
We recently heard stories from parents that reinforce what our research shows: The preteen years are critical for developing an internal compass for what's...
As a parent, you are the most powerful influence on your children's financial lives. In the first five years of life, children go through rapid neurological...
La niñez es un buen momento para aprender sobre el dinero. Sin embargo, el dinero es un concepto abstracto. Incluso antes de que los cerebros de los niños...
El verano pasado aprendimos que los adolescentes estadounidenses están en el medio del grupo cuando se trata de educación financiera, en comparación con...
If you have kids, it might surprise you to know that children as young as five years old can be ready to learn about saving and spending. From early...
Parents often want to open accounts for their children, to help them learn about saving for the future and managing their money. And young people often go...
America Saves Week is coming soon. This annual event helps thousands of us start out on a regular program of saving money toward our goals. We've all got...
The holiday season provides a particularly good opportunity to reach kids with some basic money attitudes. Your children absorb what you say and what you...
Parents are the strongest influence on how kids learn and think about money, and the back-to-school shopping season is a great time for some major money...
This past year, we've been working with the Department of Education on a project to help colleges provide clear and comparable financial aid information...
In my first blog post I wrote that part of our work in the Office of Financial Empowerment is connecting with people and organizations around the country...