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A new school year, a new resource for parents and kids

Parents are the strongest influence on how kids learn and think about money, and the back-to-school shopping season is a great time for some major money lessons.

This year, try thinking differently about back-to-school shopping. While you plan and shop, say what you’re doing—your children are listening. You don’t have to give lectures. Just make it a point to talk through your money choices as you make them:

Show them how you set a budget and make a list before you leave home. Let them hear you shop around and compare quality, quantity, and prices before you buy. Think out loud about how promotions, special offers, and taxes affect your choices.

It’s never too early to help your kids make smart money choices – and it’s never too late. To help, we’re working in collaboration with the FDIC to collect and share resources for parents. We’ve posted age-appropriate activities, ideas, and links for parents and children, on the topics that parents told us they care most about. We’ll continue to add resources over time, so check back with us often.