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Press release

Agencies Issue Statement on Elder Financial Exploitation

Five federal financial regulatory agencies, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), and state financial regulators issued a statement today to provide supervised institutions with examples of risk management and other practices that may be effective in combatting elder financial exploitation.
Press release

CFPB and FDIC Release Enhanced Version of Money Smart for Older Adults

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today announced the joint release of an enhanced version of the award-winning financial education curriculum, Money Smart for Older Adults. The enhanced version includes a new section to help people avoid “romance scams” and an updated resource guide. The enhancements to Money Smart for Older Adults are based on stakeholder feedback and recent research conducted by the FDIC and CFPB for this collaborative effort.
Press release

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Takes Action Against Payment Processor and Its Former CEO for Supporting Internet-Based Technical-Support Scams

Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) filed a lawsuit in federal court against BrightSpeed Solutions Inc. (BrightSpeed) and its founder and former chief executive officer, Kevin Howard, for knowingly processing payments for companies engaged in internet-based technical-support fraud. Chicago-based BrightSpeed was a privately owned, third-party payment processor founded and operated by Howard in 2015 and wound down business operations in March 2019.
Press release

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Recommends Financial Institutions Report Suspected Financial Exploitation of Older Adults

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today issued an updated advisory to financial institutions urging them to report to the appropriate local, state and federal authorities whenever they suspect that an older adult is the target or victim of financial exploitation.
Consumer advisories

Consumer advisory: Don’t be misled by reverse mortgage advertising

You might see enticing images of youthful retirees on the golf course or enjoying other leisure activities in a reverse mortgage advertisement. We looked closely at many ads and found incomplete and inaccurate statements used to describe the loans. Reverse mortgage ads don’t always tell the whole story, so consider these facts when you see advertisements.