Getting a call from a debt collector about medical costs can feel like it’s making a painful situation worse. Don’t pay just to make it go away. Know your rights and check the facts.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Rohit Chopra participated in a White House event to announce new actions by the CFPB to reduce the burden of medical debt on American families and address illegal medical debt collection practices.
La llamada de un cobrador sobre costos médicos puede parecer que empeora una situación que ya es mala. No pague porque no quiere recibir más llamadas. Conozca sus derechos y revise los datos.
CFPB emite orientación para prevenir que las familias sean blanco de tácticas ilegales de cobro de deudas médicas por facturas inexactas o sin soporte.
The CFPB today issued guidance to prevent families from being targeted by illegal medical debt collection tactics for inaccurate or unsubstantiated bills.
The CFPB today issued its annual report on debt collection, which highlights aggressive and illegal practices in the collection of medical debt and rental debt.
The CFPB published an edition of Supervisory Highlights sharing findings from examinations of auto and student loan servicers, debt collectors, medical payment products, and deposit and prepaid accounts.
La CFPB publica edición de su Reporte de Supervisión, compartiendo hallazgos de su evaluación sobre compañías de administración de préstamos automotrices y estudiantiles, de cobradores de deudas, de productos de pago médico y cuentas de depósito y prepagadas.
The CFPB sued student loan servicer Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency for illegally collecting on student loans that have been discharged in bankruptcy and sending false information about consumers to credit reporting companies.
CFPB demanda a Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency por cobrar préstamos que habían sido descargados por bancarrotas y por enviar información falsa.
The CFPB took action against Western Benefits Group for charging illegal advance fees for student loan debt relief services and misrepresenting to consumers that advance fees would go toward paying down their loans.
La CFPB tomó acciones contra Western Benefits Group por cobrar tarifas por adelantado ilegales y por mentirles a los consumidores diciéndoles que esas tarifas irían hacia el pago de sus préstamos.
The CFPB today released research showing that 15 million Americans still have medical bills on their credit reports despite changes by Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.
CFPB publica reporte mostrando que hay 15 millones de personas que todavía tienen facturas médicas en sus informes de crédito, a pesar de cambios efectuados en sus procesos por Equifax, Experian y TransUnion.
The CFPB issued an order against BloomTech and its CEO for deceiving students about the cost of loans and making false claims about graduates’ hiring rates.
CFPB demanda al centro de entrenamiento intensivo BloomTech y a su gerente general Austen Allred, por ocultar costos de préstamos y engañar a sus estudiantes sobre índices de empleo.
General Counsel of the CFPB Seth Frotman provided a statement regarding the National Consumer Law Center / National Association of Consumer Advocates Spring training.
CFPB y Siete Fiscales Generales Estatales demandan a la Empresa Strategic Financial Solutions por Estafar por más de $100 Millones a Familias en Dificultades Financieras
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and 11 states announced today that student lender Prehired will provide more than $30 million in relief to student borrowers for making false promises of job placement, trapping students with “income share” loans that violated the law, and resorting to abusive debt collection practices when borrowers could not pay.
CFPB ordenó al prestamista online Enova International Inc. pagar una multa de $15 millones por asumir conducta ilegal, que incluyó retirar fondos de cuentas bancarias sin autorización, hacer declaraciones engañosas sobre préstamos y cancelar extensiones de préstamos