The CFPB issued an order recognizing Financial Data Exchange, Inc. (FDX) as a standard setting body under the CFPB’s Personal Financial Data Rights rule.
Director Chopra presented a discussion draft of a new FDIC policy on Bank Capital Distributions During Unusual and Exigent Circumstances at the December 2024 meeting of the FDIC Board of Directors.
Director Chopra presented a discussion draft of a new FDIC policy on the Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act of 1992 at the December 2024 meeting of the FDIC Board of Directors.
The CFPB sued Comerica Bank for systematically failing its 3.4 million Direct Express cardholders - primarily unbanked Americans receiving federal benefits.
The CFPB finalized a rule to give consumers greater rights, privacy, and security over their personal financial data by requiring providers to unlock personal financial data for free.
The CFPB today published guidance to help federal and state consumer protection enforcers stop banks from charging overdraft fees based on phantom opt-in agreements.
Over the past decade, we have seen a significant incursion into consumer deposit taking and payments activities by companies that aren’t banks or credit unions. These firms want the public benefits of being a bank or credit union, without the public obligations.
The CFPB published a new report finding Americans are paying tens of millions of dollars in fees to access their own money when getting “cash back” at large retail stores when making a purchase with a debit or prepaid card.
La CFPB publica un nuevo reporte revelando que la gente está pagando decenas de millones de dólares en tarifas para acceder a su propio dinero, cuando hacen retiros de efectivo en las cajas de las grandes cadenas comerciales al momento de comprar con sus tarjetas de débito o prepagadas.
Director Chopra joined an event hosted by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo to announce a series of steps that the U.S. government and the financial sector are taking to safeguard risks to the financial system with respect to cloud service providers. The transcript has been slightly edited for clarity.
CFPB tomó acciones contra el infractor reincidente Fifth Third Bank obligándole a pagar millones en multas y reparaciones a los consumidores afectados.
The CFPB took action against repeat offender Fifth Third Bank for a range of illegal activities that would result in the bank paying millions in penalties as well as paying redress to harmed consumers.