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Press release

CFPB Report: Renters at Risk as COVID-19 Safety Net Ends

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today released a report warning that millions of renters and their families may suffer previously avoided economic harms of the COVID-19 pandemic as federal and state relief programs end. The report, “Financial conditions for renters before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” finds that some government relief efforts likely helped maintain the financial stability of renters and their families, suggesting that many may be at risk as those programs expire.
Press release

CFPB Releases Research on Tax Time Savings

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) released today the results of a pilot study, Planning for tax-time savings, launched with the tax preparation company H&R Block that shows that simple messages encouraging customers to use their prepaid card to save at tax time increased the likelihood that they would do so.

Speech at the Bipartisan Policy Center By Kathleen L. Kraninger Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Thank you to our hosts for the invitation, and to all of you for coming today. I’m particularly honored to be at a forum focused on bringing people together from across the political spectrum to forge commonsense solutions for the pressing issues facing our Nation.