La CFPB y el DOJ emiten escrito amicus curiae para asegurarse de que militares puedan demandar para hacer cumplir la Ley de Ayuda Civil a Miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas.
Hemos introducido junto a la FTC un escrito amicus curiae para asegurarnos de que las compañías de informes del consumidor investiguen las disputas hechas por los consumidores.
Hemos introducido junto a la FTC una opinión legal para asegurarnos de que el público pueda obligar a los cobradores a rendir cuentas por cobrar tarifas ilegales.
The annual percentage rate (APR) margins, the amount of interest credit card issuers charge cardholders on top of benchmark rates, have reached an all-time high.
More than 8,500 consumers who were misled and charged illegal fees by Performance SLC for federal student loan debt-relief services will receive checks in the mail this month.
Este mes, más de 8.500 consumidores que fueron engañados, y pagaron tarifas ilegales a Performance SLC por servicios de alivio de deudas de préstamos estudiantiles federales, recibirán cheques por correo.
The CFPB’s enforcement authority is among our most impactful tools—reinforcing compliance with federal consumer financial laws and sending a clear message to entities within our authority and the public that the CFPB remains vigilant on behalf of consumers.
Recientemente, varias personas han recibido llamadas telefónicas o de video, de estafadores haciéndose pasar por funcionarios de la CFPB, quienes tratan de robarles su dinero. Sepa de qué estar pendiente y cómo protegerse.
Recently, several people have received phone or video calls from scammers, pretending to be CFPB employees, who are trying to steal your money. Learn what to watch for and how to protect yourself.
In December, 264 consumers started receiving checks from a series of lawsuits involving four individuals who brokered illegal high-interest credit offers to veterans.
264 consumidores comenzaron a recibir cheques de las demandas contra individuos quienes negociaron ilegales ofertas de crédito con altos intereses a veteranos.
As interest rates increased in 2022, the number of refinance mortgage originations declined, with cash-out refinances becoming a larger share of all refinances. Cash-out refinances exacerbated the 2008 financial crisis, but regulatory and market developments may have changed the risks of cash-out refinances to consumers and the mortgage market. A new analysis looks at the characteristics of these refinances and the rates of delinquency.
Alexei Alexandrov,
Noah Cohen-Harding,
Patrick Lapid
The CFPB has submitted input on a proposal by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation explaining states' critical role in oversight of providers of consumer financial products and services.
Individual lenders can apply to enroll in a testing pilot of alternative, tailored disclosures for construction loans designed to improve consumer understanding of loan terms and costs.
Consumidores recibirán cheques de demanda contra compañía de alivio de deuda de préstamos estudiantiles que tomó miles de dólares de sus prestatarios sin su autorización.
845 consumers will receive checks from a lawsuit against the owner of a student loan debt-relief company that withdrew hundreds of thousands of dollars from borrowers without authorization.
The CFPB works to protect servicemembers in the financial market, engage military stakeholders, and monitor the market to identify risks to servicemembers, veterans, and military families.