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At the CFPB

The CFPB’s enforcement work in 2023 and what lies ahead

The CFPB’s enforcement authority is among our most impactful tools—reinforcing compliance with federal consumer financial laws and sending a clear message to entities within our authority and the public that the CFPB remains vigilant on behalf of consumers.
Data, research, and reports

Office of Research blog: A look at cash-out refinance mortgages and their borrowers between 2013 to 2023

As interest rates increased in 2022, the number of refinance mortgage originations declined, with cash-out refinances becoming a larger share of all refinances. Cash-out refinances exacerbated the 2008 financial crisis, but regulatory and market developments may have changed the risks of cash-out refinances to consumers and the mortgage market. A new analysis looks at the characteristics of these refinances and the rates of delinquency.