Today, the CFPB announced that it is seeking public input on strengthening privacy protections and preventing harmful surveillance in digital payments, particularly those offered through large technology platforms.
The CFPB issued an order recognizing Financial Data Exchange, Inc. (FDX) as a standard setting body under the CFPB’s Personal Financial Data Rights rule.
La CFPB demandó al operador de Zelle y a tres de los bancos más grandes del país por no proteger a los consumidores del fraude que se extendió dentro de la red más grande disponible de pagos de persona a persona.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) sued the operator of Zelle and three of the nation’s largest banks for failing to protect consumers from widespread fraud on America’s most widely available peer-to-peer payment network.
Gaming marketplaces increasingly mirror banking and payment systems but use design tricks to encourage spending, and our children are often the primary audience. Here are steps to help protect your family.
CFPB finaliza normativa delineando las calificaciones para el establecimiento de las organizaciones que desarrollarán los estándares de la banca abierta.
Today, the CFPB finalized a rule outlining the qualifications to become a recognized industry standard setting body, which can issue standards that companies can use to help them comply with the CFPB’s upcoming Personal Financial Data Rights Rule.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposed to block financial institutions from one potential source of new junk fee revenue – fees on instantaneously declined transactions.
CFPB propone bloquearles a las instituciones financieras una potencial fuente de ingresos por nuevas tarifas inesperadas; las penalidades por transacciones declinadas instatáneamente.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is proposing to supervise larger nonbank companies that offer services like digital wallets and payment apps.
New Jersey has made great progress on a range of crucial consumer protection issues, from last year’s legislation providing important protections against predatory lending by for-profit schools to building momentum on basic debt collection standards to fighting off efforts to allow problematic earned wage access products.
CFPB publicó reporte anual sobre preocupaciones financieras entre familias militares. El reporte destaca crecimiento del uso de aplicaciones digitales de pago.
Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released its annual report on the top financial concerns facing military families. The report highlights the growth of digital payment app usage in the servicemember community, the unique risks to servicemembers from these services, and the potential abuse from bad actors.