Bureau Seeks More than $500 Million In Relief For Borrowers of Corinthian's Private Student Loans Today, the Bureau sued for-profit college chain Corinthian...
Chairman Hensarling, Ranking Member Waters, and Members of the Committee, thank you for inviting me to testify today about the Semi-Annual Report of the...
My name is Rohit Chopra, and I serve as an Assistant Director at the Bureau, where I lead an office that focuses on issues facing students and young...
Thank you for having me here today. I am very pleased to be able to join so many experts in consumer finance, a field whose interdisciplinary nature...
Today, the U.S. Department of Justice announced an enforcement action against Sallie Mae (also known as Sallie Mae Bank and Navient Solutions), the largest...
Today, we released a report that describes complaints we received related to the private student loan industry’s practice of placing borrowers in default even when their loans are current and in good standing. Take a look at our consumer advisory and sample letters for borrowers and co-signers.
Thank you Treasurer Schmidt, and thank you all for having me here today. Working as a local and state treasurer in Ohio taught me the importance of consumer...
Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to be here and have the opportunity to speak at NCRC's Annual Conference. The Bureau has benefited from its strong working...
Good morning. It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to be with you today at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's 2014 Banking Outlook Conference. I...
Thank you all for joining us today. And thank you to Attorney General King, Attorney General Madigan, Attorney General Miller, and Attorney General Conway...
Bureau Finds a Continued Decline in College Credit Card Agreements Today, the Bureau called on financial institutions to publicly disclose agreements with...
Over the last several years, many Americans have been able to save on monthly payments on their mortgages and other loans by refinancing to the low interest rates available in the market.
Prepared Remarks of Richard Cordray Director of the Bureau CFPB Banking on Campus Forum September 30, 2013 Thank you for joining the Bureau today for our...
Consumers now owe nearly $1.2 trillion in student loans they took out to attend college, trade schools, and graduate degree programs. That is more than any...
The CFPB is asking these employers to make a pledge to inform their employees of their options. Up to a quarter of the U.S. workforce is in public service...
I am happy to take part in a dialogue like today's hearing, to ensure that military families have all the information they need to make sound decisions...
The Bureau estimates that outstanding debt is approaching $1.2 trillion as of May 2013. We also estimate that student loans guaranteed or held by the...
You told us about a number of debt relief companies that promise thousands of dollars in savings on borrowers’ student debt – an offer that may seem too good to be true.
By holding today's hearing, it is clear that many of you are keenly interested in finding solutions for some of the troubling trends in the student loan...
Report warns of the potential domino effects on the economy of high student debt. It also identifies policy and market-based solutions based on the public’s comments that would help borrowers manage their private student loan burden.
But a college degree has the potential to become more of a burden than a blessing for those saddled with unmanageable debt in a tough employment market. We...
We want consumers to be able to navigate the financial marketplace effectively and to take more control over their economic lives in pursuit of their goals.
The report illustrates the ways we are using the tools Congress has provided us to empower consumers and promote a fair, transparent, and competitive...
We must start with the importance of fostering broader recognition that educational and informational support in matters of personal finance are essential...