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1029 filtered results
Category Title Date published
Category: Speech Prepared Opening Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the Aspen Institute on Abuse and Misuse of Our Personal Data
Category: Report Data Spotlight: The Impact of Changing Mortgage Interest Rates
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's 53rd Annual Legislative Conference
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the National Housing Conference
Category: Press release CFPB Orders NewDay USA to Pay $2.25 Million for Illegally Luring Veterans and Military Families into Cash-Out Refinance Loans
Category: Consumer advisories Consumer Advisory: Video games are targeting your children to get into your wallet
Category: Report Report on Contract for Deed Lending
Category: Press release CFPB Joins Federal Regulators to Propose Rule to Standardize Data Submitted to Federal Financial Agencies
Category: Blog What we're hearing: financial challenges along the Gulf Coast
Category: Report Data Spotlight: Developments in the Paycheck Advance Market
Category: Press release Agencies Finalize Interagency Guidance on Reconsiderations of Value for Residential Real Estate Valuations
Category: Press release Agencies Issue Final Rule to Help Ensure Credibility and Integrity of Automated Valuation Models
Category: Press release CFPB propone normativa para evitar ejecuciones hipotecarias | CFPB
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rules to Help Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure
Category: Press release CFPB and FHFA Release Updated Data from the National Survey of Mortgage Originations for Public Use
Category: Office of Research Publication Borrower Experiences with Mortgage Servicing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Category: Blog The CFPB is working to reinforce the foundation of a fair, nondiscriminatory and competitive mortgage market
Category: Press release CFPB Extends Compliance Dates for Small Business Lending Rule
Category: Press release CFPB extiende fecha de cumplimiento normativa de crédito a la pequeña empresa | CFPB
Category: Blog CFPB approves rule to ensure accuracy and accountability in the use of AI and algorithms in home appraisals
Category: Press release CFPB Takes Action Against Sutherland Global and NOVAD Management Consulting for Reverse Mortgage Servicing Failures
Category: Press release CFPB Actúa contra Administradores de Hipotecas Inversas | CFPB
Category: Press release CFPB actúa contra corporación por violar orden ejecutora | CFPB
Category: Press release CFPB Takes Action Against Repeat Offender Freedom Mortgage Corporation for Violating Law Enforcement Order and for Housing Data Errors
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes to Ban Medical Bills from Credit Reports
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on the Proposed Ban of Medical Bills on Credit Reports
Category: Press release CFPB Propone Prohibir Facturas Médicas en Informes de Crédito | CFPB
Category: Press release CFPB Lanza Proceso para Reconocer Estándares de Banca Abierta | CFPB
Category: Press release CFPB Launches Process to Recognize Open Banking Standards
Category: Press release CFPB Launches Inquiry into Junk Fees in Mortgage Closing Costs
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at a White House Event Convening on Mortgage Closing Costs
Category: Press release CFPB Investiga Tarifas Inesperadas en Costos de Cierre | CFPB
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the Mortgage Bankers Association
Category: Director's statement Statement by CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s Nonbank Mortgage Company Report
Category: Press release CFPB actúa contra tarifas ilegales en hipotecas
Category: Press release CFPB Takes Action to Stop Illegal Junk Fees in Mortgage Servicing
Category: Report Supervisory Highlights, Issue 33 (Spring 2024)
Category: Report CFPB FY 2023 Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) Report to Congress
Category: Press release CFPB Finds Americans are Paying Upfront Fees Seeking to Lower Interest Rates on Mortgages
Category: Press release CFPB revela que se están pagando tarifas para reducir tasas de interés
Category: Report Banking in video games and virtual worlds
Category: Report Data Spotlight: Trends in discount points amid rising interest rates
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the White House on Data Protection and National Security
Category: Press release 2023 HMDA Data on Mortgage Lending Now Available
Category: Blog ASC hearing addresses appraisal bias, highlights deficiencies with The Appraisal Foundation
Category: Director's statement Submission of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra to the Appraisal Subcommittee Regarding Oversight of the Appraisal Foundation
Category: Letter CFPB Director Rohit Chopra’s Letter to the Appraisal Subcommittee
Category: Blog Junk fees are driving up housing costs. The CFPB wants to hear from you.
Category: Press release CFPB Emite Directrices para Regir los Resultados Arreglados de Comparaciones de Tarjetas de Crédito y Otros Productos Financieros
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Guidance to Rein in Rigged Comparison-Shopping Results for Credit Cards and Other Financial Products
Category: Director's statement CFPB Director Rohit Chopra Releases a Statement in Response to President Biden’s Executive Order To Protect Americans’ Sensitive Personal Data
Category: Blog Unlawful fees in the mortgage market
Category: Blog Tarifas ilegales en el mercado de hipotecas
Category: Press release CFPB Report Finds Large Banks Charge Higher Credit Card Interest Rates than Small Banks and Credit Unions
Category: Report Credit card data: Small issuers offer lower rates
Category: Press release FFIEC Issues Statement on Examination Principles Related to Valuation Discrimination and Bias in Residential Lending
Category: Press release CFPB Secures $12 Million From Ringleaders of Foreclosure Relief Scam
Category: Press release CFPB Recupera $12 Millones de Jefes de una Estafa con Alivio de Ejecución Hipotecaria
Category: Press release CFPB y Departamento de Justicia Demandan a la Compañía Desarrolladora y Prestamista Colony Ridge por hacer Ofertas Falsas y Ofrecer Financiamiento Predatorio
Category: Press release CFPB and Justice Department Sue Developer and Lender Colony Ridge for Bait-and-Switch Land Sales and Predatory Financing
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the Press Event for Colony Ridge
Category: Office of Research Publication The Neighborhood Geography of Mortgage Lending
Category: Blog Office of Research blog: A look at cash-out refinance mortgages and their borrowers between 2013 to 2023
Category: Office of Research Publication Making Ends Meet in 2023: Insights from the Making Ends Meet Survey
Category: Press release CFPB Orders Bank of America to Pay $12 Million for Reporting False Mortgage Data
Category: Blog Piloting disclosures for construction loans
Category: Director's statement Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Symposium on Property Insurance
Category: Press release Agencies Announce Dollar Thresholds for Smaller Loan Exemption from Appraisal Requirements for Higher-priced Mortgage Loans
Category: Director's statement Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the Global Financial Innovation Network’s Annual General Meeting
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes New Federal Oversight of Big Tech Companies and Other Providers of Digital Wallets and Payment Apps
Category: Press release CFPB propone normativa para supervisar al Big Tech
Category: Blog Next public hearing on appraisal bias: November 1
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of Deputy Director Zixta Martinez at The Greenlining Institute's 2023 Just Future Summit
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rule to Jumpstart Competition and Accelerate Shift to Open Banking
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rule to Jumpstart Competition and Accelerate Shift to Open Banking
Category: Director's statement Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on the Proposed Personal Financial Data Rights Rule
Category: Press release CFPB demanda al infractor reincidente Freedom Mortgage Corporation por entregar información falsa a reguladores federales
Category: Press release CFPB Sues Repeat Offender Freedom Mortgage Corporation for Providing False Information to Federal Regulators
Category: Press release CFPB Mortgage Report Finds Jumps in Closing Costs and Denials for Insufficient Income, Growing Proportion of Cash-Out Refinances
Category: Office of Research Publication Data Point: 2022 Mortgage Market Activity and Trends
Category: Director's statement Statement of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on Mortgage Market Activity and Trends
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Guidance on Credit Denials by Lenders Using Artificial Intelligence
Category: Op-ed | Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the Better Markets Conference on the 15th Anniversary of the Collapse of Lehman Brothers and the Onset of the Global Financial Crisis
Category: Op-ed | Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at The Mortgage Collaborative National Conference
Category: Consumer advisories Consumer advisory: Take action when home insurance is cancelled or costs surge
Category: Consumer advisories Consejos para el Consumidor: Actúe Cuando le Cancelen el Seguro de Vivienda o el Costo Suba
Category: Press release CFPB sanciona a Freedom Mortgage y a Realty Connect por cobrar comisiones ilegales
Category: Press release CFPB Penalizes Freedom Mortgage and Realty Connect for Illegal Kickbacks
Category: Press release CFPB Report Shows Workers Face Risks from Employer-Driven Debt
Category: Blog Office of Research blog: Initial Fresh Start program changes followed by increased credit scores for affected student loan borrowers
Category: Blog Ensuring consumers receive critical lending protections
Category: Press release Datos del 2022 en crédito hipotecario están disponibles
Category: Press release FFIEC Announces Availability of 2022 Data on Mortgage Lending
Category: Blog How are mortgages with a COVID-related forbearance performing in 2023?
Category: Press release CFPB Takes Action Against ACI Worldwide for Illegally Processing $2.3 Billion in Mortgage Payments that Homeowners Did Not Authorize
Category: Press release CFPB toma Acción Contra ACI Worldwide por Procesar Ilegalmente $2.3 Billones en Pagos Hipotecarios sin la Autorización de los Propietarios de Viviendas
Category: Blog Protecting consumers’ right to challenge discrimination
Category: Report Banking and Credit Access in the Southern Region of the U.S
Category: Blog Protegiendo a propietarios de tasaciones discriminatorias de viviendas
Category: Press release Agencies Propose Interagency Guidance on Reconsiderations of Value for Residential Real Estate Valuations