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1569 filtered results
Category Title Date published
Category: Blog CFPB to distribute more than $53 million to consumers harmed by BrightSpeed Solutions
Category: Blog CFPB distribuye más de $53 millones a consumidores afectados por BrightSpeed Solutions
Category: Blog Cómo recuperarse financieramente del Huracán Beryl
Category: Blog How to recover financially after Hurricane Beryl
Category: Blog The CFPB is working to reinforce the foundation of a fair, nondiscriminatory and competitive mortgage market
Category: Blog The CFPB's 2023 fair lending annual report to Congress
Category: Blog CFPB Approves Rule to Ensure Accuracy and Accountability in the Use of AI and Algorithms in Home Appraisals
Category: Blog Ensuring consumers aren’t pushed into medical payment products
Category: Blog Keeping junk fees away from workers’ unemployment benefits
Category: Blog New protections for payday and installment loans slated to take effect next year
Category: Blog Recupérese y prepárese financieramente para las tormentas
Category: Blog Recovering financially from heavy storms, and preparing for storm season
Category: Blog Banks’ responsibility for scams
Category: Blog The CFPB is protecting the military community and providing relief
Category: Blog Public Interest Tech Jobs: Regulate tech and AI
Category: Blog The CFPB will distribute more than $384 million to consumers deceived by Think Finance, LLC
Category: Blog CFPB distribuirá $384 millones a consumidores
Category: Blog CFPB to distribute nearly $40 million to consumers misled by fintech company LendUp Loans
Category: Blog CFPB distribuirá $40M a afectados por LendUp Loans
Category: Blog More competition and less complexity: How the CFPB is working to lower prices in the credit card market
Category: Blog CFPB trabaja para bajar precios de tarjetas de crédito | CFPB
Category: Blog Ensuring servicemembers can protect themselves from unlawful financial practices
Category: Blog Proteger militares de prácticas financieras ilegales
Category: Blog Consumer reporting companies have an obligation to correct errors
Category: Blog Compañías de informes de crédito deben corregir errores
Category: Blog State UDAAP Developments
Category: Blog ASC hearing addresses appraisal bias, highlights deficiencies with The Appraisal Foundation
Category: Blog Junk fees are driving up housing costs. The CFPB wants to hear from you.
Category: Blog Unlawful fees in the mortgage market
Category: Blog Tarifas ilegales en el mercado de hipotecas
Category: Blog Credit card interest rate margins at all-time high
Category: Blog CFPB to distribute more than $10.9 million to consumers harmed by student loan debt-relief business
Category: Blog Distribuimos más de $10.9 millones entre consumidores afectados por empresa de alivio de deudas de préstamos estudiantiles
Category: Blog The CFPB’s enforcement work in 2023 and what lies ahead
Category: Blog Tenga cuidado con las nuevas estafas de impostores de funcionarios de la CFPB
Category: Blog Beware of new CFPB imposter scams
Category: Blog Holding debt collectors responsible for false statements
Category: Blog CFPB to distribute nearly $6 million to consumers harmed by predatory loans to veterans
Category: Blog La CFPB distribuye casi $6 millones entre consumidores afectados por préstamos predatorios otorgados a veteranos
Category: Blog Office of Research blog: A look at cash-out refinance mortgages and their borrowers between 2013 to 2023
Category: Blog State regulatory developments on “income-based advances”
Category: Blog CFPB ombudsman’s office 2023 annual report
Category: Blog Piloting disclosures for construction loans
Category: Blog $240 mil serán distribuidos a afectados por estafa
Category: Blog CFPB to distribute more than $240,000 to consumers harmed by student loan debt-relief scam
Category: Blog Servicemembers continue to face major financial challenges
Category: Blog Next public hearing on appraisal bias: November 1
Category: Blog Protegemos el acceso de inmigrantes a oportunidades de crédito justas
Category: Blog Protecting Immigrant Access to Fair Credit Opportunities
Category: Blog Four million complaints: More than just a milestone
Category: Blog The law requires companies to delete disputed unverified information from consumer reports
Category: Blog As payments on federal student loans resume, federal student loan borrowers may be eligible for cancellation or lower payments
Category: Blog Prestamistas estudiantiles federales podrían recibir cancelación o pagos más bajos
Category: Blog Consejos para que se recupere financieramente del huracán Idalia
Category: Blog Tips for recovering financially from Hurricane Idalia
Category: Blog Recovering financially from the Hawaii wildfires
Category: Blog Recupérese financieramente de los incendios en Hawaii
Category: Blog What we’re hearing from consumers in New Mexico
Category: Blog Qué nos dicen los consumidores de New Mexico
Category: Blog Las dificultades financieras son más duras en Puerto Rico, que en el resto del país
Category: Blog Financial struggles in Puerto Rico bite deeper than the rest of the United States
Category: Blog Federal housing agencies strongly encourage landlords to provide tenants written notice of their rights
Category: Blog Looking at credit scores only tells part of the story – cashflow data may tell another part
Category: Blog Doce años protegiendo a consumidores y negocios honestos
Category: Blog Twelve years of protecting consumers and honest businesses
Category: Blog Qué viene a continuación para Bank of America y sus clientes
Category: Blog Что ждет Bank of America и его клиентов
Category: Blog Bank of America(美國銀行)及其客戶的未來展望
Category: Blog Tương lai dành cho Bank of America và Khách hàng của mình
Category: Blog Bank of America 및 고객 추후 대응
Category: Blog What’s ahead for Bank of America and its customers
Category: Blog Sa ki rezève pou Bank of America ak kliyan li yo
Category: Blog Ano ang naghihintay para sa Bank of America at sa mga kostumer nito
Category: Blog ما هو المستقبل لـ Bank of America وعملائه
Category: Blog Office of Research blog: Initial Fresh Start program changes followed by increased credit scores for affected student loan borrowers
Category: Blog Ensuring consumers receive critical lending protections
Category: Blog Distribuiremos más de $3.5 millones entre los consumidores a quienes les cobraron tarifas ilegales para reducir o eliminar sus préstamos estudiantiles federales
Category: Blog CFPB to distribute more than $3.5 million to consumers who were charged illegal fees to reduce or eliminate their federal student loans
Category: Blog CFPB entrega al congreso el reporte anual del 2022 sobre equidad en el crédito
Category: Blog The CFPB's 2022 fair lending annual report to congress
Category: Blog How are mortgages with a COVID-related forbearance performing in 2023?
Category: Blog Protecting consumers’ right to challenge discrimination
Category: Blog Accepting applications for CFPB advisory committees
Category: Blog Worker surveillance poses potential privacy harms
Category: Blog La vigilancia al trabajador amenaza la privacidad
Category: Blog Protegiendo a propietarios de tasaciones discriminatorias de viviendas
Category: Blog The CFPB intends to identify ways to simplify and streamline the existing mortgage servicing rules
Category: Blog La CFPB intenta identificar formas de simplificar y agilizar las normas para la administración de hipotecas
Category: Blog Laying the foundation for open banking in the United States
Category: Blog Sentando las bases para una banca abierta en el país
Category: Blog Extendemos la fecha tope para recibir comentarios sobre los corredores de datos
Category: Blog We are extending the deadline for comments about data brokers
Category: Blog The CFPB has entered the chat
Category: Blog La CFPB ha entrado al chat
Category: Blog Office of Research blog: Update on student loan borrowers during payment suspension
Category: Blog Nuevas Lecciones para Redes de Justicia del Anciano
Category: Blog New lessons for elder justice networks
Category: Blog Algoritmos, inteligencia artificial y equidad en tasaciones de vivienda
Category: Blog Algorithms, artificial intelligence, and fairness in home appraisals
Category: Blog Mortgage data shows that borrowers could save $100 a month (or more) by choosing cheaper lenders