We've been taking your complaints on credit cards at the CFPB since we officially opened for business on July 21, 2011. Today, we released an interim report...
Today, the CFPB released the CFPB Supervision and Examination Manual, the guide for our examiners to use in overseeing companies that provide consumer...
Yesterday, Raj Date spoke in Philadelphia about the lessons of the 2008 financial crisis for the consumer bureau. Before taking questions from the audience...
One year ago, Congress passed and President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which created this new Consumer...
Today, Professor Warren is testifying before Congress on our progress in building the consumer bureau. In her written testimony, she discusses our Know...
Today, the CFPB is issuing its second spending update. As we stated in our last update, the goal of these releases is to provide you with a snapshot of how...
Today, the CFPB is issuing its first spending update. In our spending update, we will provide a snapshot of quarterly and year-to-date spending and the...
Last week, Professor Warren testified before Congress on our progress in building the consumer bureau. She talked about the many ways in which the CFPB is...
Each day this week, we will feature information about an important milestone in the establishment of the new consumer bureau. Today's post is about our...
Location, location, location. That's the real estate mantra, and the new consumer bureau is following the professional's lead. We are getting a permanent...
Each day this week, we will feature information about an important milestone in the establishment of the new consumer bureau. Today's post is about our new...
Each day this week, we will feature information about an important milestone in the establishment of the new consumer bureau. Today's post is about staffing...
Each day this week, we will feature information about an important milestone in the establishment of the new consumer bureau. Today's post is about our...
Each day this week, we will feature information about an important milestone in the establishment of the new consumer bureau. Today's post – the first in...
Welcome to the online home of the Bureau. This new bureau is in the construction phase, but we're already hard at work on plans to make consumer financial...