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Welcome to

Welcome to the online home of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This new bureau is in the construction phase, but we’re already hard at work on plans to make consumer financial products and services clearer for Americans—putting in place building blocks that will enable us to improve disclosures, enforce new consumer protections established by Congress, protect consumers from deceptive, unfair, and abusive practices, and allow financial services providers to compete on a level playing field.

Elizabeth Warren announces CFPB is officially open for suggestions.

The consumer bureau will get much of its legal authority in July 2011. We’re launching this website almost six months in advance for only one reason: to listen to the American public. Hearing from you today will help us develop our plans for tomorrow.

Today, we kick off our virtual listening tour with Open for Suggestions.

In the coming days, weeks, and months, we’ll provide consumers with many different opportunities to connect with us. We’ll have regular blog updates, digital town halls, and many more ways to share thoughts with your new CFPB.

Together, we have an opportunity to create a new consumer bureau that’s focused on making the market for consumer financial products and services work. And, we’re hiring! You can learn more by checking out our Jobs page.

Finally, this is only the start of the conversation. You can follow us on Twitter , Facebook and Flickr , and provide an email address so we can keep you informed of the most important updates about your CFPB.