Can I get a mortgage with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) instead of a Social Security number?
I mailed my mortgage payment before it was due but my servicer received it after the due date and charged me a late fee. Can my servicer do this?
I wanted to take out a Home Equity Line of Credit but my lender told me the terms have changed. What can I do?
I am at least two payments behind on my mortgage payments. I tried to pay one month's worth of what I owe, but my servicer said I have to pay the whole amount. Can the servicer do this?
A person I hired to help with my mortgage advised me to stop making payments on my mortgage loan so I could qualify for a loan modification. Do I have to do this?
Can a lender or broker consider whether I receive income from a public assistance program when deciding whether to give me a mortgage or home equity loan?
Can a lender or broker consider my sex or marital status when deciding whether to give me a mortgage or home equity loan?
Can a lender or broker ask me about the alimony, child support, or separate maintenance payments that I receive?