The seller told me I have to purchase title insurance from a particular company or they won't sell me the house. Can they do this?
I applied for a loan modification or other options to avoid foreclosure, but was denied help. My lender said I didn't meet the qualifications for help. Can I appeal?
Can I change my mind after I sign the loan closing documents for my second mortgage or refinance? What is the "right of rescission?"
My lender or broker never provided me with the notice of a right to rescind for a mortgage loan. What can I do?
I recently declared bankruptcy. Now my mortgage servicer said it’s not allowed to send me a monthly mortgage statement. Is that correct?
I recently inherited a house. The mortgage lender said it's required to determine my "ability to repay" before it will let me take over the mortgage loan. Is this true?
I received a revised Loan Estimate from my lender showing a higher interest rate and increased closing costs. What does this mean?