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Press release

CFPB Takes Action Against Climb Credit and Investment Firm 1/0 for Deceiving Borrowers About Coding Bootcamps and Vocational Programs

The CFPB took action against student lender Climb Credit and its investors, including 1/0 (“One Zero”), which if entered will require the companies to stop making representations in their advertising about the quality of the training programs at their partner schools and graduates’ hiring rates and salaries.
Press release

CFPB and 11 States Order Prehired to Provide Students More than $30 Million in Relief for Illegal Student Lending Practices

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and 11 states announced today that student lender Prehired will provide more than $30 million in relief to student borrowers for making false promises of job placement, trapping students with “income share” loans that violated the law, and resorting to abusive debt collection practices when borrowers could not pay.
Press release

CFPB Seeks Ban Against Operator of Student Loan Debt Relief Scam Reboot

Today the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) took action against the owner of a student-loan debt relief company for allegedly withdrawing hundreds of thousands of dollars from student borrowers’ bank accounts, without authorization. The CFPB alleges that Frank Gebase, Jr. controlled a company that took the borrowers’ money after obtaining their names and account information from a previous student-loan debt-relief scammer that the CFPB shut down.
Press release

CFPB Submits 2020 Report to Congress on the Administration of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released today the 2020 annual report to Congress on the administration of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The report highlights efforts by the CFPB and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to protect consumers, particularly those who have suffered profound financial impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Press release

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Settles with Student Loan Servicers Discover Bank, The Student Loan Corporation, and Discover Products, Inc. for Violating a Bureau Consent Order and Other Unlawful Practices

On December 22, 2020, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a consent order against Discover Bank, The Student Loan Corporation, and Discover Products, Inc. based on violations of a prior Bureau order, the Electronic Fund Transfer Act, and the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010.