Building Blocks to Help Youth Achieve Financial Capability: Measurement guide
The Bureau researched the childhood origins of financial capability and highlighted where and when youth acquire the attributes, abilities, and opportunities to support financial well-being in our previous report, Building Blocks to Help Youth Achieve Financial Capability: A new model and recommendations.
Our new report, the Building Blocks Measurement Guide, provides a means of assessing young people’s progress toward each building block. The Measurement Guide presents age-appropriate questions that program leaders, researchers, and others can use to evaluate a child’s progress toward each of the building blocks. It also presents a list of existing measurement tools that are designed to gather answers to the key questions. The measurement tools include surveys, tasks and exercises, interviews questions, data from outside sources, and more. Along with the list of tools, the Measurement Guide explains how each one is administered and provides background information, sources, and special considerations for use.Full guide
View the full Measurement Guide
Guide handout
Handout to help program leaders, teachers, and communities use the guide