The CFPB sued Rocket Homes to stop providing incentives to real estate brokers and agents in exchange for steering homebuyers to Rocket Mortgage for loans.
The CFPB and DOJ took action to end Fairway Mortgage Corporation’s illegal mortgage lending redlining against majority-Black neighborhoods in the greater Birmingham, Alabama area.
La CFPB introdujo una propuesta de orden que obligaría a Freedom Mortgage Corporation a pagar una multa de $3,95 millones, por enviar datos hipotecarios llenos de errores.
The CFPB filed a proposed order that would require Freedom Mortgage Corporation to pay a $3.95 million penalty for submitting error-riddled mortgage loan data.
CFPB y Departamento de Justicia demandan a la compañía desarrolladora y prestamista Colony Ridge por hacer ofertas falsas y ofrecer financiamiento predatorio.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Justice Department sued Colony Ridge for operating an illegal land sales scheme and targeting Hispanic borrowers.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today ordered Bank of America to pay a $12 million penalty for submitting false mortgage lending information to the federal government under a long-standing federal law.
La CFPB presenta una demanda ante un tribunal federal en la que alega que Freedom Mortgage Corporation presentó datos sobre sus préstamos hipotecarios, los cuales son exigidos por la ley, que estaban plagados de errores.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) filed a lawsuit in federal court today, alleging that Freedom Mortgage Corporation submitted legally-required mortgage loan data that was riddled with errors.