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Rules under development

Before issuing a final rule, the CFPB generally announces and explains its proposals to address an issue and invites public comment.

You can find all notices requesting public comment on our comprehensive “Notice and Opportunities for Comment” page.

Types of rules listed on this page

Proposed Rule

A proposed rule announces and explains the Bureau’s proposal to address an issue and invites the public to comment. The proposed rule and the public comments received on it form the basis of the final rule.

Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

An optional early step in CFPB rulemaking. Used to get initial public input on certain key aspects of potential rulemakings.

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Proposed rule

Prohibition on Inclusion of Adverse Information in Consumer Reporting in Cases of Human Trafficking (Regulation V)

The Bureau seeks comment on proposed amendments to Regulation V, which would establish a method for a victim of trafficking to submit documentation identifying any adverse item of information about the consumer that resulted from certain types of human trafficking and prohibit the consumer reporting agencies from furnishing a consumer report containing the adverse item(s) of information.