Notice and opportunities to comment
The CFPB requests public comment on a wide variety of topics to inform our work. These requests can include: proposed rules, requests for information, and Paperwork Reduction Act notices that give the public an opportunity to comment on potential information collections.
All these notices will be published in the Federal Register. You can submit comments online at, by email, by mail, and by hand delivery/courier. For details, click on the link for the notice on which you’d like to comment. You don’t have to be an expert or a lawyer to give comments. We invite all individuals to share their views.
You can also access notices with comment periods that have already closed and read comments posted to
Learn more about commenting on notices.
Recently posted notices
Financial Data Transparency Act Joint Data Standards
Consumer Credit Offered to Borrowers in Advance of Expected Receipt of Compensation for Work
Streamlining Mortgage Servicing for Borrowers Experiencing Payment Difficulties (Regulation X)
Archive of closed notices
Access notices with comment periods that have already closed and read comments received