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Final rules

Rules listed here are final rules issued by the CFPB. To identify all the rules related to a single consumer financial product, use the filter tool below.

Types of final rules

Final Rule

Other than interim final rules, this includes all CFPB final rules, including procedural and interpretive rules. Generally, final rules go through notice and comment  before issuance.

Interim Final Rule

Under some circumstances, the CFPB may issue final rules without a comment period before issuance. The CFPB may request comment on these rules and may later alter the rules, if necessary.

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16 filtered results

The Fair Credit Reporting Act’s Limited Preemption of State Laws

States play an important role in the regulation of consumer reporting. State laws that are not “inconsistent” with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) are generally not preempted by that statute. The FCRA also expressly preempts certain categories of State laws. This interpretive rule clarifies that FCRA’s express preemption provisions have a narrow and targeted scope. States therefore retain substantial flexibility to pass laws involving consumer reporting to reflect emerging problems affecting their local economies and citizens.
Final rule

Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans; Delay of Compliance Date; Correcting Amendments

The Bureau has issued this final rule to delay the August 19, 2019 compliance date for the mandatory underwriting provisions of the regulation promulgated by the Bureau in November 2017 governing Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans.
Interim final rule

Summaries of Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Regulation V)

The Bureau is issuing an interim final rule to update the Bureau’s model forms for the Summary of Consumer Identity Theft Rights and the Summary of Consumer Rights in Appendices I and K to Regulation V to incorporate a notice required by new Fair Credit Reporting Act section 605A(i)(5), added by the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act.