Find financial literacy activities
Find activities that can help you teach and nurture the building blocks of financial capability across the curriculum.
These classroom activities can be completed within a single class period. Each activity comes with a teacher guide and supporting student material, so it’s easy to implement whether you’re an experienced personal finance teacher, integrating financial literacy into another subject area, or supplementing your existing financial education curriculum.

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Understanding ways to pay for education after high school
Ideal for: Middle school (6-8)
Students conduct Internet research to build their awareness of options for paying for education after they graduate from high school.
Understanding minimum payments
Ideal for: Middle school (6-8)
Students watch a video and answer questions to learn how long it takes to pay off a credit balance when making only the minimum payment.
Avoiding debt
Ideal for: Middle school (6-8)
Students read a short story and a handout to learn about excessive debt and ways to avoid or reduce debt.
Building a good borrowing reputation
Ideal for: Middle school (6-8)
Students analyze the profiles of three different people to decide what kind of borrowing reputation they have.
Getting a credit card and using it wisely
Ideal for: Middle school (6-8)
Students conduct research to learn about how credit cards work and some tips for using them.
Analyzing credit card statements
Ideal for: Middle school (6-8)
Students conduct online research to become familiar with reading and analyzing credit card statements.
Managing credit card payments
Ideal for: Middle school (6-8)
Students use a simple formula to calculate the true cost of items bought with a credit card.
Borrowing money for a house
Ideal for: Middle school (6-8)
Students “buy” a local home and calculate payments based on the principal, interest rate, and length of mortgage loans to learn how different loan terms affect the overall cost.