Expand elder fraud prevention capabilities
After you establish a network, there are many resources your team can use to grow the network’s membership and increase its ability to fight elder financial exploitation in your community.
Watch the two-part recorded webinar on Promising practices from Elder Fraud Prevention Networks to learn about the work of pioneering networks.
Examples of activities for working groups
Educational outreach
Education and awareness are important both for network members and for the community that the network serves. We provide free educational materials and programs to train older adults, caregivers, and other individuals about elder financial exploitation.
Case reviews
Case reviews can help train network members to recognize and report elder financial exploitation to Adult Protective Services or law enforcement for intervention. We created a referral guide to help your network conduct effective case reviews. The U.S. Department of Justice has also created a case review guide.
Planning future network meetings
As your network establishes itself in the community, you can think about other types of meetings, trainings, and initiatives that you want to take on as a group. Consider reaching out to new stakeholders or creating additional working groups to help your team accomplish new goals.
Evaluate and measure network impact
Frequent evaluation can keep your network on track to meet goals and understand your impact on the elder community. We developed guidance to help you think about both subjective and objective ways to assess the network.
We recommend using a variety of qualitative and quantitative measurements so that you can demonstrate your work with numbers and statistics as well as with stories that demonstrate the network's impact in the community
Use our sample measurements and discussion questions to identify measures of success that make sense for your network.
Secure network funding
Funding and grant programs can help your elder fraud prevention network generate awareness, provide community education programs, and support key network staff.
Finding funding for networks can be challenging, but you can draw them from a mix of traditional and non-traditional sources. We created a list of possible funding sources to help your network reach out.
Conduct cross-training
Cross-training (trainings by or for network members or others in the community) can help members understand each others' disciplines and gain a greater understanding of how to work together to help victims.
Celebrate network milestones
We have suggestions to help you recognize outstanding members and share your network's community impact. Consider celebrating network successes by:
- Writing stories in newsletters, blog posts, and social media that show how your network affected the community
- Encouraging local news media to publicize larger successes via a news article or television segment
- Holding an annual event that honors network stakeholders on a commemorative day
Relevant observances and key dates
Consider using these relevant observances and key dates to plan trainings, organize events, and share information on social media and in email blasts.
- Federal Trade Commission Consumer Protection Week
- National Disability Employment Awareness Month
- World Consumer Rights Day (March 15)
- Money Smart Week
- National Financial Literacy Month
- National Volunteer Month (member recruitment opportunity)
- National Crime Victims’ Rights Week
- Older Americans Month
- National Crime Prevention Month
- Cybersecurity Awareness Month
- National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- International Day of Older Persons (October 1)
- National Caregivers Month
- National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month