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Where can I get my credit scores?

You can get a credit score for free from many credit card companies or other lenders you use, and from nonprofit credit and housing counselors. You can pay for a credit score service, which might include credit monitoring or other services.

You have more than one credit score. Scores can be calculated using different data on you from different credit reporting companies or can be calculated at different times. Lenders also use different credit scores for different types of loans. This means it’s normal to see credit scores that are slightly different.

There are a few main ways to get your credit scores.

Can I check my credit card or other loan statements for my credit score?

Many major credit card companies and other lenders provide credit scores for their customers. The score could be listed on your monthly statement or can be found by logging in to your account online.

Can I talk to a nonprofit counselor about my credit score?

Nonprofit credit counselors and housing counselors trained by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development can often provide you with a free credit report and score and help you review them.

Can I use a credit score service for an accurate estimate?

Many companies now advertise “free credit scores.” These businesses could be part of credit reporting companies, scoring companies, lenders, or others. Some services make money from advertising and don’t charge you a fee.

Other services offer scores for purchase. For example, you can buy your FICO credit score at . Many services provide scores as part of a subscription package that includes credit monitoring, identity protection, or other services, for a monthly fee. Before you enroll in these services, be sure you know what you are signing up for and how much they really cost. A “free trial” might last for a specified period only, and after that you must cancel or pay a monthly fee. If you decide to purchase a credit score, you are not required to purchase other services that might be offered at the same time.

Some credit score sources provide an "educational" credit score, instead of a score that a lender would use. For most people, an educational score is close to the scores lenders use and can be helpful. But the scores can be quite different for some. When choosing where to get your credit score, find out what kind of score it is.