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Fall 2015 Credit Union Advisory Council meeting in Washington, DC

During this meeting, we discussed trends and themes in consumer financial markets and recent proposals related to payday loans, auto-title loans, and other longer-term credit products.


Washington, DC

One Constitution Square 1275 First Street NE Second Floor Auditorium Washington, DC


During this meeting, we discussed trends and themes in consumer financial markets and recent proposals related to payday loans, auto-title loans, and other longer-term credit products.


Time Agenda Location Speakers
Welcome 1275 First St. NE Director, Richard Cordray
Discussion: Consumer Challenges in Payments 1275 First St. NE Deposits Markets Program Manager, Office of Credit Information Collections and Deposits Markets, Gary Stein; Assistant Director, Card & Payments Markets, Will Wade-Gary; Counsel, Deposits, Liquidity Lending, and Reporting Markets, Sarita Frattaroli
Meeting Adjourns 1275 First St. NE