The Consumer Credit Card Market
This study represents the CFPB’s sixth biennial report on the state of the consumer credit card market and continues the approach of the CFPB’s previous reports. The CFPB revisits similar baseline indicators to track key market developments and consumer risks as well as the adequacy of consumer protections. Throughout this report, we continue to examine trends by card type and credit score tier, but further segment consumers with the highest scores into two new groups, prime plus (720 to 799) and superprime (800 and above). In a new section, this report examines the market structure, concentration, and profitability of the credit card industry in detail, complementing other regulators’ examination of the safety and soundness of card issuers. We explore new topics that have become more important as the market continues to evolve. For example, the current report explores the prevalence and cost of installment plan features and the dollar value of credit card rewards. Additionally, we discuss issuer practices related to dispute resolution, minimum payments, and servicemember rate reductions.