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Spring 2019 CFPB Advisory Committee meetings in Washington, D.C.

CFPB advisory committee meetings with Director Kraninger and other Bureau leadership to discuss policy issues related to financial technology and other trends and themes in consumer finance.


Washington, DC

CFPB Headquarters 1700 G Street NW Washington, DC 20552

Video replay will be
available shortly

CFPB advisory committee meetings with Director Kraninger and other Bureau leadership to discuss policy issues related to financial technology and other trends and themes in consumer finance.


Time Agenda Location Speakers
Consumer Advisory Board meeting (Topics: Digital Identity / Faster Payments) CFPB conference rooms & telephone conference line (available upon RSVP)
Community Bank Advisory Council meeting (Topics: HMDA / Consumer Reporting Trends) CFPB conference rooms & telephone conference line (available upon RSVP)
Credit Union Advisory Council meeting (Topics: Consumer Reporting Trends / HMDA) CFPB conference rooms & telephone conference line (available upon RSVP)
Livestreamed sessions
Combined Advisory Committee Roundtable: Start Small Save Up Initiative 1700 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. , Room B161 A-C
Combined Advisory Committee Roundtable: Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) 1700 G Street NW, Washington, D.C., Room B161 A-C
Combined Advisory Committee Roundtable: Misadventures in Money Management (MiMM) Website Demo 1700 G Street NW, Washington, D.C., Room B161 A-C