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Save the date: Join us for a forum on access to checking accounts

Join us for an event in Washington, D.C. on checking account screening policies and practices. This event will take place on Wednesday, October 8 at 8:30 a.m. EDT.

We’ll host a discussion on how checking account screening policies and practices impact consumers. The event will inform the dialogue around how the screening system works and how to improve the availability of information and products for consumers.

The forum will feature remarks from Director Richard Cordray, as well as presentations from consumer groups, federal and local government officials, and industry representatives. We’ll also have discussions about current bank account screening practices, the effect these practices have on consumers’ ability to acquire and use checking account products, and more generally, the availability of financial products and services that meet their needs.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Washington, D.C.

This event is open to the public, but RSVP is required to attend. Please RSVP here and let us know if you need an accommodation to participate. You can also take a look at the agenda. A livestream will be available on the blog.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Updated on October 7, 2014 to include the agenda.