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More than 500 colleges agree to adopt financial aid shopping sheet

Cross posted from the Department of Education. We were proud to work with the Department of Education on this Know Before You Owe Project.

By Arne Duncan

I am pleased to announce that more than 500 colleges and universities, enrolling more than 2.5 million undergraduate students (thirteen percent of all undergrads), have committed to adopting the Financial Aid Shopping Sheet during the 2013-2014 school year.

The adoption of the Financial Aid Shopping Sheet is a big win for students already attending these institutions and those who are considering enrolling. The Shopping Sheet provides a standardized award letter allowing students to easily compare financial aid packages and make informed decisions on where to attend college. Students and their families now have a clear, concise way to see the cost of a particular school.

The Obama administration introduced the Shopping Sheet in July, and to coincide with the release, I sent a letter to college and university presidents asking them to adopt the Shopping Sheet as part of their financial aid awards starting in the 2013-14 school year.

I applaud the institutions that have agreed to adopt the Shopping Sheet, and hope more colleges and universities follow their example in offering students and families an easy-to-read award letter that delivers the bottom line on college costs.

Learn more about the Shopping Sheet, and, if you’re an institution interested in adopting the Shopping Sheet for your students, or have questions about adopting it, please contact

Arne Duncan is Secretary of Education.

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