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It’s closing time: Tell us about your experience closing on a mortgage

We’re continuing our work to make mortgages safer and with fewer surprises along the way. As a next step, we’re taking a deeper look at the mortgage closing process, but we first need your help.

We want your feedback and invite you to share your experience on closing on a mortgage and tell us what worked well and what didn’t.

We want to hear stories from consumers like you or professionals who work closely with consumers during the closing process (realtors, settlement closing agents, attorneys, financial counselors, etc.).

The stories and information you provide will be used to research and test solutions that address some of the biggest pain points associated with closing on a mortgage, both for consumers and for professionals. The comments will inform our work going forward on improving the closing process for consumers and industry participants alike.

Please share your story and let us know what matters to you in this process. Comments must be received by February 7, 2014 to be sure they’re considered. After the comment period closes, we’ll share some of the feedback we hear.