Add your company to the list of sources for free credit scores
If your company offers free credit scores and would like to be included on our list, respond to our recently posted Federal Register Notice.
When people have access to their credit score, they can feel empowered to better manage their financial lives. They can do this by learning about their credit history, checking their credit report, and making informed credit decisions.
In March of this year, we published a list of credit card companies that told us they offer free credit scores to existing credit card customers. We’re updating the list and inviting credit card and other lenders that offer this service to let us know if they would like to be included.
To be included on the company list, or to update your information, respond to the public notice in the Federal Register , which will be open until January 12. If your company was included on the list published in March of this year and would like to be included in the updated list, your company must submit a new entry.
We will use the responses received to the notice to publish an updated company list. We will share the list publicly to raise awareness of how people can access and use their credit scores to help manage their financial lives and to highlight positive efforts by the industry to expand access to free credit scores.
In a separate, related public Request for Information we issued on November 13, we are looking to learn more about how this increased access to free scores is working for your business and your customers or clients. Send us your comments about your experience as a provider offering this service to consumers by responding to our Request for Information regarding consumers’ experience with free access to credit scores. This public request will be open until February 12.