§ 1010.216 Additional information.
(a) Property Owners' Association.
(1) If the association has been formed as a legal entity, submit a copy of the articles of association, bylaws or similar documents, and a copy of the charter or certificate of incorporation.
(2) If the developer exercises any control over the association, state whether any contracts have been executed between the association and the developer or any affiliate or principal of the developer. If there have been, briefly summarize the terms of the contracts, their purpose, their duration and the method and rate of payment required by the contract. State whether the association may modify or terminate the contracts after the owners assume control of the association.
(3) State whether there is any agreement which would require the association to reimburse the developer, its affiliates or successors for any attorney's fees or costs arising from an action brought against them by the association or individual property owners regardless of the outcome of the action.
(4) If the answer to paragraph (a)(2) or (a)(3) of this section is in the affirmative, disclosure may be required in § 1010.116(a) at the discretion of the Director.
(5) Submit a copy of any membership agreement or similar document.
(b) Price range, type of sales and marketing.
(1) State the price range of lots in the subdivision.
(2) State the type of sales to be made, i.e., contract for deed, cash, deed with security instrument, etc.
(3) Describe the methods of advertising and marketing to be used for the subdivision. The description should include, but need not be limited to, information on such matters as to:
(i) Whether the developer will employ his own sales force or will contract with an outside group;
(ii) Whether wide area telephone solicitation will be employed;
(iii) Whether presentations will be made away from the immediate vicinity of the subdivision and/or if prospective purchasers will be furnished transportation from distant cities to the subdivision;
(iv) Whether mass mailing techniques will be used and gifts offered to those who respond.
(4) For any subdivision that meets any of the criteria in paragraphs (b)(4)(i) through (iii) of this section, submit a copy of any advertising or promotional material that is, or has been, used for the subdivision. Amendments to reflect changes in advertising or promotional material need be filed only when there is a material change related to one of the above factors. Depending upon the content of the material submitted, the Director may require additional warnings in the Property Report portion. This requirement applies to any subdivision that:
(i) Mentions or refers to recreational facilities which are not disclosed in § 1010.114, or;
(ii) Promotes the sale of lots based on the investment potential or expected profits, or;
(iii) Contains information which is in conflict with that disclosed in this Statement of Record.
(c) Violations and litigation.
(1) Submit a copy of the complaint(s), the answer(s) and the decision(s) for any litigation listed in § 1010.116(c).
(2) If it is indicated in § 1010.116(c) that the developer or any of the parties involved in the subdivision are, or have been, the subject of any bankruptcy proceedings, furnish a copy of the schedules of liabilities and assets (or a recap of those schedules); the petition number; the date of the filing of the petition; names and addresses of the petitioners, trustee and counsel; the name and location of the court where the proceedings took place and the status or disposition of the petition. Explain, briefly, the cause of the action.
(3) Furnish a copy of any orders issued in connection with any violations listed in § 1010.116(c).
(d) Resale or exchange program.
(1) If it is stated in § 1010.116(d)(3) that there is an exchange program which provides sufficient lots to satisfy all requests for exchange, describe the method used to determine the number of lots required; state whether these lots have been reserved or set aside; whether additional lots will be provided if the lots available for exchange are exhausted and the source of any additional lots.
(e) Unusual situations —
(1) Foreign subdivisions. If the subdivision is located outside the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the territories or possession of the United States, the Statement of Record shall be submitted in the English language and all supporting documents, including copies of any laws which restrict the ownership of land by aliens, shall be submitted in their original language and shall be accompanied by a translation into English.