Comment for 1005.8 Change-in-Terms Notice; Error Resolution Notice
8(a) Change-in-Terms Notice
1. Form of notice. No specific form or wording is required for a change-in-terms notice. The notice may appear on a periodic statement, or may be given by sending a copy of a revised disclosure statement, provided attention is directed to the change (for example, in a cover letter referencing the changed term).
2. Changes not requiring notice. The following changes do not require disclosure:
i. Closing some of an institution's ATMs;
ii. Cancellation of an access device.
3. Limitations on transfers. When the initial disclosures omit details about limitations because secrecy is essential to the security of the account or system, a subsequent increase in those limitations need not be disclosed if secrecy is still essential. If, however, an institution had no limits in place when the initial disclosures were given and now wishes to impose limits for the first time, it must disclose at least the fact that limits have been adopted. See also § 1005.7(b)(4) and the related commentary.
4. Change in telephone number or address. When a financial institution changes the telephone number or address used for reporting possible unauthorized transfers, a change-in-terms notice is required only if the institution will impose liability on the consumer for unauthorized transfers under § 1005.6. See also § 1005.6(a) and the related commentary.
8(b) Error Resolution Notice
1. Change between annual and periodic notice. If an institution switches from an annual to a periodic notice, or vice versa, the first notice under the new method must be sent no later than 12 months after the last notice sent under the old method.
2. Exception for new accounts. For new accounts, disclosure of the longer error resolution time periods under § 1005.11(c)(3) is not required in the annual error resolution notice or in the notice that may be provided with each periodic statement as an alternative to the annual notice.