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Lending by neighborhood relative income level

Income can affect whether someone needs or wants credit and whether they can obtain the credit they want. Since credit records do not contain income, we focus on neighborhood income levels.

We examine how lending activity is changing based on the income level of the Census tract where the consumer resides. We group consumers into four income levels based on the ratio between the median family income in the consumer’s Census tract and the median family income of their Metropolitan Statistical Area (for urban consumers) or of the county (for consumers residing outside of MSAs). 

The group definitions include:

  • Low income (relative income less than 50%)
  • Moderate income (relative income 50% to less than 80%)
  • Middle income (relative income 80% to less than 120%)
  • Upper income (relative income 120% or higher)

This page includes interactive graphs and CSV files for:


Lending levels

Monitoring overall activity helps us identify new developments in financial markets. These interactive graphs show the number and aggregate dollar volume of new auto loans opened each month. Aggregated monthly originations are displayed along with a seasonally adjusted series, which adjust for expected seasonal variation in lending activity.

Low income (relative income less than 50%) (update pending)

Low income (relative income less than 50%)

Source: CFPB Consumer Credit Panel
Date published: December 2019
Download: CSV file
Note: Data from the last six months are not final. The most recent data available in this visualization are for April 2019.

Moderate income (relative income 50% to less than 80%) (update pending)

Moderate income (relative income 50% to less than 80%)

Source: CFPB Consumer Credit Panel
Date published: December 2019
Download: CSV file
Note: Data from the last six months are not final. The most recent data available in this visualization are for April 2019.

Middle income (relative income 80% to less than 120%) (update pending)

Middle income (relative income 80-119%)

Source: CFPB Consumer Credit Panel
Date published: December 2019
Download: CSV file
Note: Data from the last six months are not final. The most recent data available in this visualization are for April 2019.

High income (relative income 120% or above) (update pending)

High income (relative income 120% or above)

Source: CFPB Consumer Credit Panel
Date published: December 2019
Download: CSV file
Note: Data from the last six months are not final. The most recent data available in this visualization are for April 2019.


Year-over-year changes

These interactive graphs show the percentage change in the number of new automobile loans originated in the month, compared to lending activity from one year ago. Positive changes indicate that lending activity is higher than it was last year and negative values indicate that lending has declined.

Low income (relative income less than 50%) (update pending)

Low income (relative income less than 50%)

Source: CFPB Consumer Credit Panel
Date published: December 2019
Download: CSV file
Note: Data from the last six months are not final. The most recent data available in this visualization are for April 2019.

Moderate income (relative income 50% to less than 80%) (update pending)

Moderate income (relative income 50% to less than 80%)

Source: CFPB Consumer Credit Panel
Date published: December 2019
Download: CSV file
Note: Data from the last six months are not final. The most recent data available in this visualization are for April 2019.

Middle income (relative income 80% to less than 120%) (update pending)

Middle income (relative income 80% to less than 120%)

Source: CFPB Consumer Credit Panel
Date published: December 2019
Download: CSV file
Note: Data from the last six months are not final. The most recent data available in this visualization are for April 2019.

High income (relative income 120% or above) (update pending)

High income (relative income 120% or above)

Source: CFPB Consumer Credit Panel
Date published: December 2019
Download: CSV file
Note: Data from the last six months are not final. The most recent data available in this visualization are for April 2019.