Turning hobbies into earnings
After learning about the term “gig economy,” students brainstorm a list of fun hobbies or activities they enjoy doing that could be turned into money-making opportunities.
Big idea
A favorite pastime or hobby can sometimes lead to a money-making opportunity.
Essential questions
- How does the term “gig economy” relate to earning money?
- What type of skills or services might you be able to offer to make money?
- Reflect on hobbies and activities that you enjoy
- Identify skills you’ve developed through those hobbies or activities that could become money-making opportunities
What students will do
- Share at least two hobbies or activities they enjoy doing in their spare time.
- Collaboratively develop a list of hobbies or activities they could turn into earning opportunities.
- Identify an idea that they think they could turn into a money-making opportunity in the gig economy.
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Teacher guide
Student materials
Note: Please remember to consider your students’ accommodations and special needs to ensure that all students are able to participate in a meaningful way.