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Borrowing or buying?


Students learn the difference between borrowing and buying things and then play a game where they sit or stand to distinguish between borrowing or buying.

Big idea

When we borrow something, we use it and give it back. When we buy something, we own it and get to keep it.

Essential questions

  • What is the difference between borrowing and buying?
  • When is it a good idea to borrow something instead of buying it?


  • Explore the difference between borrowing and buying
  • Understand when it’s better to borrow something and when it’s better to buy something

What students will do

  • Discuss the difference between borrowing and buying.
  • Play a game where they stand or sit to distinguish between borrowing and buying examples.

Download activity

Teacher guide


Note: Please remember to consider your students’ accommodations and special needs to ensure that all students are able to participate in a meaningful way.