Credit card penalty fees
Resources to help industry understand and comply with the credit card penalty fees final rule.
Featured topic
As a result of the ongoing litigation, the credit card penalty fees final rule published in the federal register on March 15, 2024, is stayed.
Browse the rule to review changes to penalty fees in Regulation Z.
Regulations and official interpretations
Browse Regulation Z (12 CFR 1026) on: Interactive Bureau Regulations | eCFR
The rule provisions specific to penalty fees and official interpretations can be found in:
- § 1026.52(b)(1)(i), Fee based cost
- § 1026.52(b)(1)(ii), Safe harbor
- § 1026.52(b)(1)(ii)(D), Annual inflation adjustments
- § 1026.52(b)(2)(i)(A), Fees that exceed the dollar amount associated with the violation
Rules related to credit cards
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Quick references
Executive summary of the credit card penalty fees rule
Downloadable versions of the model forms and clauses that were published in the final rule.