Can I make issuers stop sending me credit card offers in the mail?
- English
- Español
You can reduce the credit card offers you receive in the mail by calling 1-888-5-OPTOUT (1-888-567-8688) or by visiting
This service allows you to remove your name from the lists supplied to credit card companies and insurers by the three nationwide credit reporting companies (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) and another credit company, Innovis. The credit reporting companies supply these lists for preapproved offers for credit cards, other types of credit, and insurance.
The companies will implement this opt-out request within five business days, though for a period of time you still may continue to see credit offers because your name may already have been provided to companies who have not yet mailed their offers to you.
In addition, “opting out” will not affect credit card offers from companies that don’t use lists compiled by the nationwide credit bureaus. To target these other sources, you can contact the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) which creates an opt-out list for consumers who generally prefer not to receive mail or phone offers. You can sign up for this service on DMA's website or fill up this form online and then download and print it to submit by mail. You can also call 212-768-7277 to have the form mailed to you.
If you opt out by phone or by the DMA website, the request is good for five years. To opt out permanently, you must download and mail a signed Permanent Opt-Out Election form, available by calling 1-888-5-OPTOUT (1-888-567-8688).
If you opt out, your name will no longer appear on lists provided by credit bureaus. However, card issuers can still solicit you if they have done business with you before or they get your name from other sources and send you invitations to apply for a card.